Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Highlights of President Obama's farewell speech in India


We know from experience that nations are more successful when their women are successful.

These are facts. So if nations really want to succeed in today’s global economy, they can’t simply ignore the talents of half of their people.

Every daughter deserves the same chance as our sons. And every woman should be able to go about her day – to walk the street, or ride the bus – and be safe and be treated with the respect and dignity that she deserves.

Together, we can stand up against human trafficking and work to end the scourge of modern-day slavery

The peace we seek in the world begins in human hearts; it finds its glorious expression when we look beyond any differences in religion or tribe and rejoice in the beauty of every soul. 

He (Gandhi) said, ‘for me, the different religions are beautiful flowers from the same garden, or they are branches of the same majestic tree’. Branches of the same majestic tree.

No society is immune from the darkest impulses of men. India will succeed so long as it is not splintered along the lines of religious faith.

Many countries, including America, grapple with complex questions of identity and inequality. Right now, in crowded neighbourhoods not far from here, a man is driving an auto-rickshaw, or washing somebody else’s clothes, or doing the hard work no one else will do. A woman is cleaning somebody else’s house. A young man is on a bicycle delivering lunch. A little girl is hauling a heavy bucket of water. Their dreams, their hopes, are just as big and beautiful and worthy as ours.

I know the argument made by some — that it’s unfair for countries like the United States to ask developing nations and emerging economies like India to reduce your dependence on the same fossil fuels that helped power our growth for more than a century, but here’s the truth — even if countries like the United States curb our emissions, if countries that are growing rapidly like India with soaring energy needs don’t also embrace cleaner fuels, then we don’t stand a chance against climate change.