Sunday, September 29, 2013

Children and Guns

Many horrifying events have taken place in the past few months which have caused people to question and debate the prevailing accessibility of guns. It is my understanding that a distorted interpretation of the Second Amendment advocated by a strong gun lobby has contributed to a culture of violence in America. The right to bear arms has been misconstrued. It is interpreted as an eternal disposition that stands beyond and above the passage of time and the chances and changes of the world. A perception has been cultivated that guns are indispensable part of American culture and religion symbolizing identity, strength, and family protection.  

We need sane and reasonable gun control policy. I also believe we need a profound educational process in order to reverse this culture and replace it with a peaceful one.

Although I am sure that guns have protected some people in dangerous situations I still believe that gun control needs to be implemented and enforced much more strictly. Guns have also been known to cause and increase aggressiveness. Among the industrialized countries, the United States has the highest number of death and injury caused by firearms. The Second Amendment was written at a time when bearing arms meant bearing a musket. Today, however, we are witnessing automatic guns with large capacity magazines that can kill many people in a second. The number of people guns can injure or kill in only a matter of seconds make them highly volatile and potent instrument that need to be regulated by strict laws.

Guns have only one purpose and that is to shoot a bullet at a very high speed at a target. Its goal is to destroy whatever the object may be, and that includes a person as well. It seems to me a deeper examination of the issue, free from the fierce partisan polemics and zealous passions that have fogged rational discourse, is necessary if a way out is to be found.

Guns are not toys and never will be. Unfortunately many young lives have been lost due to easy accessibility of guns. Find more on children and guns in this eye opening article:

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